a story about my uncle review

Though the game lacks any repercussions for missing your mark (fall and the game simply respawns you at the nearest checkpoint), the game still manages to be rather challenging in certain sections and there were quite a few times where I just had to sit there for a minute and plan out just how I was going to tackle the section in front of me. This year has been a great one for smaller studios with big ideas and even bigger talent. Review. To be fair, though, they were given some extremely poor dialogue to read, as well.

Maybe on a Steam sale you can buy it, get some friends together, and have a good laugh at the performances. It is a touching, well-written and engaging experience throughout, and while there is little on offer to warrant a second playthrough any time soon, if at all, it is an experience I know is going to stick with me for quite some time. It's an interesting way of doing things. What's more, I may have just found my current favorite title of the year thus far. While there are some questionably placed checkpoints, most of them are placed in forgiving spots – usually right before you make a major jump.

You also find that your uncle has invented a platform of sorts that makes trash disappear when placed upon it.

The entire duration of the game is spent carefully deciding which rock to grapple from and from what angle. For those as oblivious as I, a platform game requires players to jump from one suspended platform to the other, attempting not to fall into the obscure abyss below. Admittedly, I am a sucker for a nice looking game and setting, but the world of A Story About My Uncle is a rather welcoming one and it was a joy to just take a break, walk around and soak it all in. First-person is not often something handled all that well when it comes to platforming, but the guys over at Gone North Games managed it and managed it well. While characters such as Maddie – a rather interesting character you meet about a third the way through the game – as well as said uncle to which the title is concerned, Frederick, are the odd standouts in the game; bringing their characters to life in a major way, despite only having a rather limited window to do so, the others don't fare nearly as well. The design of the obstacles themselves is pretty tame. You find the device, put two-and-two together, and step onto the platform yourself. While I had a bit of an issue early on in the game when trying to get used to the overall feel of the grappling mechanics, I soon found myself sprinting around the world, using the momentum of the grapple to shoot myself to far off cliffs as if I had been doing for hours.The overall sense of speed and feel of the momentum creates what I found to be an incredibly engaging and entertaining experience. The lights reflect off the water and other reflective surfaces. I, however, have always felt that a short, yet strong experience can, and often times is, worth more than a ten hour experience with more than its fair share of padding. It’s not hard to piece together what exactly is happening even early on. The color palette blends together perfectly in this area. In doing so, players are tasked with sprinting, grappling and even rocketing (an ability granted later in the game) – all skills granted by that ever helpful suit of yours – across the dangerous, self-suspended cliffs of this interesting new world you've come across. Mind you, the story is short and giving away even a little is to give away a lot.

Find me on Facebook! Sadly, the options menu is about as bare-bones as it gets. If you prefer to know more about the story line, players can search around platforms for narration-inducing clues and artifacts to Uncle Fred's adventurous whereabouts. What would normally control your hand will now only zoom in and out.

Review: A Story About My Uncle (PC) By Jeremy Peeples on June 5, 2014.

The few things they do to try and freshen up the experience doesn’t change it enough to make it less repetitive. You can choose the path that suits your gameplay, if you prefer to speed through the game you can do so with grace.

And this is where the adventure really begins. But it is a simple game nonetheless. The story line is equal parts compelling and alluring. Largely unneeded, mind you, but it certainly gives the story that extra little kick of character just for the sake of it all. Early on, you get the ability to grapple multiple times while in the air. This makes for some really challenging obstacles to get through, and some of the jumps that you will make can be quite lengthy. What I do feel the need to comment on, however, is the lackluster voice-acting found throughout the majority of the game. Players will be required to use problem-solving skills and be able to deduce the best way to leap from platform to platform which is no easy task. Yes, there are two cave levels taking up approximately 2/3 of the actual game time. Most of the time, while the father is telling the story, your suit capabilities will be withheld in order to enhance the dialogue. I was captivated from the beginning, and the gameplay was flawless. A Story About My Uncle features two different interfaces, the first being the narration and the second being the suit abilities. You learn how to sprint, jump, and eventually propel yourself via rocket boots. In trying to best describe the overall look of the game, while it certainly goes for a somewhat realistic look, it also includes a somewhat exaggerated color-pallet with a heavy use of warm colors throughout most of the game, though also ties it in with somewhat cartoony touches overall. They don’t take full advantage of system they have in place. He is reminded of an experience of his own, and the game begins when he starts the narration. I found it extremely difficult to take the story seriously with such atrocious performances. nr. Generally speaking, the game is gorgeous. Review A Story About My Uncle Review. The story is told by a now older version of the protagonist to his daughter in the way of a bedtime story. Although I wish I wasn’t told anything, because A Story About My Uncle features quite possibly the worst voice acting I have heard in over a decade. A blackboard in his abandoned house reveals that he has built some kind of waste disposal system possibly powered by starlight. Share; Tweet ; 0. The other levels are a generic-looking level that takes place on the peaks of mountains and an ice cave. All rights reserved.

As was stated earlier, the game begins with the protagonist deciding to go searching for his now missing uncle.

The angrier I got, the more determined I became to figure out how to touch down safely on the next floating rock. This week's indie review focuses on A Story About My Uncle, a wonderful first person platformer from the developers of Goat Simulator. The power suit you’re equipped with allows you to jump very high and far.

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