fun training ideas for employees

var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'? For example, maybe you’ve just hired ten new employees and you need to bring them up to speed right away. A discussion board is a great place for participants to discuss topics with each other during a training course, and a great place for instructors to provide additional information. [CDATA[ Virtually every organisation has regulatory and compliance training requirements that it needs to complete. 1. Break employees into teams and have them share leaders they admire (in any industry).

Remember Pokémon Go? If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

The key is in choosing the right workshops.

Employees come together to select five items to bring to a desert island. Keep up on the latest in eLearning news and regulatory changes by subscribing to updates from our eLearning blog. Basically, a picture is hidden behind a set of boxes, which are removed one by one. The wonder wall is a place for participants to write their thoughts or add topics for discussion. Who are the best storytellers in your organization? Why Should You Engage Your Staff With Product Management Training?

In this game, instructors pick something, and they give a creative description of it or its purpose, and people compete to best provide an answer to what they are describing. This one requires a bit more thinking skill and helps to test and reinforce the more intrinsic understanding of material in the students, and help them to cultivate retention not just of facts, but what these facts really mean in the real world. 8.

Rather than using a traditional didactic format, team training has evolved into narratives that tell a story. Agencies and companies specializing in video production have sprouted up to guide organizations in the strategic use of videos as well.

Have them reflect and then select one before refining it down to the best 30 seconds of that experience. AR leadership exercises could include things like a competition for teams to locate defined targets (e.g., examples of new codes in action or a properly assembled piece of equipment).

Simple screencasts, for example, can be used to demonstrate processes such as how to use your email system, how to set up voicemail, and how your timekeeping system works. Especially when team exercises bring together employees who work remotely or often on their own, leadership training activities can better engage employees in the mission of the company no matter where they are. If people feel safe and secure enough to ask these questions, you know you’ve created a safe and empowering work environment.

After you finish each module of your team training, ask employees to write down their questions and add them to a bucket. Gamification can be used to strengthen skills of individual employees, too. This leadership training activity helps build clear communication and promotes emotional intelligence – two key qualities of good leaders. The team with the highest number of correct answers wins. Working in teams, employees begin to develop a plan to implement the idea. Webinars allow the trainer to be online and in view, similar to in-classroom instruction, making the experience more personal and allowing employees to ask questions in real time. These are also useful for coaches and mentors to stay connected with your team. '':''); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("