genene jones movie

After a while Holland came out and told the Reichenaus—Larry had arrived at the hospital by then—that she wanted to fly Misty to Medical Center Hospital in San Antonio for tests and observation. “It’s full,” said Vinas.

Holland told Mrs. Ruff that Rolinda was a little dehydrated; she wanted to start an IV line to get some fluids into her system and then admit her to Sid Peterson for tests and observation. [2], General reception for the book was positive and Deadly Medicine was a New York Times Bestseller for seven weeks. Maywhort waved at her to stop, but she went ahead anyway. Holland began to elaborate; to the other doctors she seemed tense but self-assured and professional. The procession of cars, driving slowly this time, headed back to Sid Peterson. The ambulance arrived at Sid Peterson at 3:07 p.m., and Genene took Misty up to the ICU. She turned blue and began having a seizure. Residents accustomed to offering shallow presentations of a patient’s status suddenly faced an endless succession of pointed questions: What were the lab results? To them she was a comforting figure, a woman of patience and understanding.

Petti says she called in the morning to make an appointment and spoke to Gwen Grantner. He told friends he thought he’d been screwed, resigned his position at the medical school, and in June 1983 returned to Johns Hopkins. As Holland began to ask Petti about Chelsea’s medical history, the little girl started pulling things off Holland’s desk.

Chelsea McClellan was dead. Her reputation quickly spread, and nurses on the pediatric floor began calling her out of the ICU to start IVs for them. “There’s only one thing I’m really sorry for,” Genene told her. “You might want to step out in the hall because it’s not easy on a mother to watch,” Genene told her. Robotham told Pat Belko that he wanted the heparin handled more carefully.

Then you double-checked with a doctor.

The LVNs would all be offered other jobs in the hospital, Mousseau said, and would have until March 22 to leave the ICU.

AUTHORS WROTE ABOUT TEXAS NURSE", "`Medicine' triggers catharsis for real-life doctor", "TV Reviews : A Case of Baby Killings in 'Deadly Medicine, "Winning Combination Hamel, Ruttan Carry Nbc`s `Deadly Medicine`",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 December 2019, at 01:48.

Kathy wanted to become a veterinarian, but after Cornell’s vet school turned her down twice, she and Larry moved to San Antonio, and she started thinking about studying human medicine. Robotham told Belko he wanted Genene fired, or at least out of the ICU. ‘No, I cannot imagine that,’” Holland says German told her. Conn, a 57-year-old anesthesiologist as the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, had run the pediatric ICU there for twenty years; now he had a six-month sabbatical, and he had arranged to spend it as a visiting professor in San Antonio, doing research in a medical school lab on drowning victims.
Chelsea was sprawled on the examining table, Genene hovering over her. Deadly Medicine is a 1988 non-fiction true crime book by Kelly Moore and Dan Reed that was adapted for television in 1991, as an NBC Movie-of-the-Week by the same name.

They had radioed ahead, and the hospital staff was waiting. Millsap labeled the case his office’s top priority and assigned his best staff members to it. I’m not guilty of murder, & I hope you believe that. But Belko only took her off the most critical patients for a week. “Everybody was real excited about it,” says Petti. When she hears that others have contradicted her account of the past few years, she goes on the attack: they are liars, “full of shit,” politically motivated, “a real turd”; she is right, they are wrong. She, too, spent many nights at the house on Nixon Lane.

All eight indictments charge that the nurse “intentionally and knowingly” injured the children by injecting them with succinylcholine or some other drug. She was around, even if it wasn’t her patient.” When a child didn’t make it, Genene broke down and cried.
I took some Doxepin.” Genene had been taking the antidepressant drug regularly, but now she was saying she had taken an overdose. In the middle of the couch, clutching Genene’s hand, was Garron Ray Turk, a pale, thin, blond-haired aide at a San Angelo nursing home.

By October she was ready to go to Pat Belko—ready for the confrontation that convinced Belko that she should take the suspicions about Genene to Dr. Robotham and persuade him to launch investigation. They found three: one bottle had been purchased on August 18 from Pampell’s Pharmacy when Holland had ordered her initial stock of drugs; one bottle had been purchased on September 7 from the hospital pharmacy to replace the bottle Genene had said was missing; and one had been purchased from the Sid Peterson pharmacy on September 20. Since the original bottle, to Holland’s mind, had disappeared, a replacement vial was ordered from the Sid Peterson pharmacy on September 7. She settled into a chair and held the corpse to her chest while she waited for his parents to arrive.


Robotham’s review of the charts “could not substantiate that suspicion.” But now, Franks told Dunn, there had been a documented case of heparin overdose; there was laboratory proof of it.

Genene returned to the office after a long lunch. They believe that Holland either knew that Genene was harming children or should have known. That afternoon, Joe David took Genene to Austin to take her polygraph examination, and Kathy Holland was notified that her hospital privileges had been suspended. But first there was the matter of Hall’s appointment with Holland, which went off as scheduled at about noon. Kathy and Larry and three cats had settled into a frame house in Bulverde, in Comal County, and she stayed an extra year at the medical school to try to finish her Ph.D.

Dr. Conn had made a recommendation, and they were going to follow it and move to an all-RN nursing staff. It took her just a few months to decide that after the residency she would go into private practice in Kerrville, sixty miles northwest of San Antonio, an affluent, pretty Hill Country town of 15,000, filled with retirees. Genene then asked her to leave the room. “I think we should just throw it out. A few days after the funeral, the McClellans took out a two-column advertisement in a local paper. Genene displayed a sharp mind and a sharper tongue; Debbie, a six-foot, two-hundred-pound giantess, lumbered. Green listened and asked questions: Was there proof that the nurse was doing something? Two days earlier, on January 17, a baby named Patrick Zavala had died in the pediatric ICU. A special thanks to Dr. Kathryn Holland and Jeane Jones for extending Chelsea’s stay longer by their caring in such a sensitive way.

The number of children getting sick prompted doctors to joke that Dr. Holland needed to have the air conditioning in her office changed. Genene had pulled the plastic tubes out of Chris’ body and washed him, crying and talking out loud all the while. And besides, Holland knew Genene Jones.

The many beautiful flowers, cards, and letters we received made us realize the city of Kerrville has a heart. But in the center of the crisis there is no consciousness of time. But Larry, twelve years older and extremely demanding, wouldn’t let her settle down. She thought nothing of bellowing out four-letter words or telling dirty jokes in a crowd of nurses and doctors.

Their report makes no mention of her name; after all, there was never anything but circumstantial evidence to link her to the incidents in the ICU. We talked in San Angelo, in a two-bedroom mobile home where she was living with three adults, three children, two cats, and a cocker spaniel named Sprout.

She thought of Joe Vinas; he was young and approachable, and he had trained at Medical Center Hospital. Several days later, says Holland, Debbie joined them for a second session, this time with tarot cards.

No one but Genene Jones has been charged with a crime, and although Dr. Holland is the target of several private lawsuits that question her medical judgment, she will almost certainly not be indicted. Kathy Holland knew there were suspicions about Genene Jones. The nurses had become reluctant to prepare any kind of drug without a witness. They had seizures. However, negligence or wrongdoing cannot be excluded.”. Chelsea’s heart flickered on briefly, then stopped, then beat weakly again. Her breathing was labored but growing easier.

“Especially at night, it’s very eerie down there,” says Elizabeth Stauffer, a pediatric ICU nurse who left Bexar County Hospital in 1979.

“She was shaking all over,” said Mrs. Evans, “and she was sweating very badly. On this day Jimmy had gone into seizures, and he was taken to the emergency room by ambulance. The byword of Robotham’s style was “aggressive”; in Genene Jones he saw a nurse who personified that approach. As August 1982 arrived, the first house was little more than a wooden frame.

The final breakup came on June 3, 1974, three months after Genene had filed again for divorce. He sat beside Genene, pecked her on the lips from time to time, and fetched more iced tea and cigarettes.

“She was so strong she ran like a charge nurse. It takes all the pressure off you and the seven people, whose life I have altered. “The two of them just didn’t seem to fit together.” She knew that the nurses who were talking the most didn’t like Genene. “They really weren’t comfortable with drawing blood on kids younger than two…I wanted to take a nurse with me who had those skills, who had been through the codes. “She’s going to cry, and she’s going to scream.” Mrs. Reichenau said she didn’t need to leave.

Vinas went home. In January 1980, shortly after they met, Debbie transferred from the pediatric floor to the pediatric intensive care unit and began working the three-to-eleven shift with Genene.

Kathy Holland planned to live outside the hamlet of Center Point, on a rugged sixteen-acre tract fifteen miles south of the clinic.

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