george carlin pandemic video

Legendary comedian George Carlin died in 2008, but, before he did, he foretold a great pandemic. Filipinos for Trump Caravan Rally (Video), Why Armenians are Supporting Trump (Video), Dr. Kaufman Discusses the Crucial Bioterrain Theory (Video).

OBAMAgate: The Gobalists Have Done So Much to Protect Obama They Have Committed One Major Crime Spree After Another. Also, of my buddy Jeff Reynolds over at PJ Media, who I'm totally biting this post off of. Coronavirus sceptics hold “silent march” in Berlin (Video), Protesters against COVID measures hold march in London (Video), Democrats ‘Planning a Coup’ if Trump Wins in November, Kamala Harris Accused of Covering up Sickening Child Sex Abuse Case. Michelle Obama really is. Here’s how the Bolsheviks ran their reign of terror in Russia! COVID-19 is not the deadliest virus in the USA, this is! How did George Soros pick Kamala Harris as Biden’s running mate? Biden’s Body Language: Town Hall Reveals Earpiece Assistance (Video), Trump in danger—the test, the experimental drugs. Is CNN turning on the Democrats? My What a Face Plant. What Are We Really Detecting? There’s an historic sea change going on right now. Was the ongoing ammo shortage really engineered by the NWO globalists? Everything points to the Azerbaijani attacks on Armenia being deliberately timed with Trump’s Covid as the world is mesmerized by the U.S. election chaos. Patriots in Washington State put officials on notice: Alt Media Sites and Truth Platforms Being Shut Down Before the Election, RUSSIAgate Doc Declass: Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Comey Nailed by Hard Evidence in Their Own Writing, Here’s how fraudulent politicians fake receiving a vaccination live on TV. Well whadya know?!

Even the inventor of the PCR test emphasized it could not be used to detect a virus! (Video), “All the fake media ran to the restroom to change their diapers after watching this video” — AA, MEDICAL DICTATORSHIP COMES TO AUSTRALIA—No International Travel till 2022, MSM Talking Heads Now Claims ‘Russian Agents’ Were Inside Walter Reed Hospital With Trump, LOCKDOWNS, MASKS & VACCINES: The New Totalitarianism. Rochester’s Corrupt Mayor Indicted for Felony Finance Fraud. WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu, Really, “life will return to normal only after SECOND generation of Covid vaccines!”. What we are witnessing in the USA is a fundamentally bolshevik revolution, but the closet communists are very stealthy in its execution. Not only is the Dutch gov’t rejecting face mask, officials have warned they could be harmful! Why is Melinda Gates slamming social media for telling the truth about her husband and their dangerous foundation? America’s Political Class Loves to Blame Other Nations for Election Interference to Cover Up Electoral Rigging and Theft by the Major Parties, Dr. Carrie Madej with Dr. Andrew Kaufman speak about on vaccines, hydrogel and secret government programs (Video), NWO Globalists Aiming COVID-19 Bioweapon at the Republican Leadership, President Trump Speaks Directly to the American People (Video), Check out this explosion of super-pigs occurring nationwide, REMEMBER THIS DEBATE MO: Interrupt and Accuse, District Judge Orders Justice Department to Release Parts of the Mueller Report. Ten Times The World Health Organization Erred: Why Is WHO Still Credible & Not Disbanded? Let's all end on a note to make you say, "Hmmmmm," compliments of the master,

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