matilda the musical characters ages

Matilda is a little girl with astonishing wit, intelligence and psychokinetic powers. Name: Josie Griffiths Age (in Matilda): 10 years Age (Current): 12/13 years Had the role of Matilda from Nov 2010 to Jan 2011 Fun Facts: Josie lives in South London, and enjoys tennis, gymnastics and playing with her dog, Pippa.

Cast & Creative; FAQ; Shop; London. Agatha Trunchbull is the headmistress of Crunchem Hall and an Olympic Hammer-throwing Champion.

Matilda The Musical is the multi-award winning musical from the Royal Shakespeare Company, inspired by the beloved book by the incomparable Roald Dahl. Her parents don’t understand her—they think she’s absolutely batty—but Matilda is determined to prove that their little girl is a big hero!

Zaris-Angel Hator is the oldest Matilda ever to have played the role at thirteen years of age. She's unloved by her cruel parents but impresses her schoolteacher, the highly loveable Miss Honey. Regional: Goodman Theatre, Arena Stage, Shakespeare Theatre (DC), Ford’s Theatre, Lookinglass, Signature Theatre (DC), Huntington, Court Theatre, BCP, KC Rep, Goodspeed.

International Tour; Auditions; #MATILDAPOSE; Book Tickets.

Matilda has a solo part in 4 songs, is in the ensemble for 3, and has 2 solo songs. National Tour: Wicked, Phantom.
Matilda The Musical ©opyrighted: The Matildas; Stratford Matildas. Josie Griffiths Adrianna Bertola Kerry Ingram.

One and only Original Stratford cast. International Tour; London.

Matilda delivers over 2,500 words in the show.

Geoff has received Joseph Jefferson and Helen Hayes Awards. Broadway: Peter and the Starcatcher, Matilda the Musical (as ... Broadway: Rock of Ages, Phantom of the Opera. Stephen Anderson Children's Entertainer / Sergei / Ensemble; James Bryers The Escapologist/ Ensemble; Reece Budin Doctor/Ensemble; Rachel Cole Acrobat/Ensemble; Danielle Cook Resident Choreographer, Swing; Matt Douglass Swing; Daniel Frederiksen Mr Wormwood; Travis Khan Rudolpho/Ensemble; Nadia Komazec Ensemble; Zoe … Enter the Lottery. In writing Matilda The Musical Dennis Kelly and Tim Minchin created new characters, stories, and songs into Roald Dahl’s novel of Matilda. Watch our latest Videos.

In this resource, the films give insights into how the musical was created and show how the storylines differ between the novel and musical.

MATILDA THE MUSICAL ... 47 international awards and continues to thrill sold-out audiences of all ages around the world. Explore the Pose Map.

Matilda commands the stage for around 1 hour and 35 minutes.

She loves to read and tell fantastical stories.

Characters; Watch; People; Buzz; Matilda is 5 years old and mind-bogglingly smart.

Cast THE ADULTS - In alphabetical order.

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