pope benedict smaller purer church

Pray for our priests! Better to lose 8 than lose 10. Yes, it is true, as Chase said, “they [have] counted on the clergy” to transmit the faith; and, sadly, despite the call to all Catholics to know our faith, we still count on the clergy to pass on the truths. Rosemary…and how do you judge the saints from the sinners in your parish? Yes their status is irregular. salvation of humankind should not have boundaries…but should be open to all who would believe…and in By the number of committees

They were formed in 1988 by JPII and a small group of priests less then ten I think from a so called fringe group. it must have been for you in your former parish where you counted sinners all around you…and having to “count” The message needs to be complete, pure, and I would venture to say, relevant to the times in which we are living. The point is not “ooh, we should draw back”. There should be a call for the various Catholic young people who have gone into the communications field to come forward with their best ideas. As the number of her adherents diminishes . Jesus indicated that while many are called, few are chosen (Matt 22:14). That sort of attitude says it all. That cured him! Modernist Catholicism, by its nature, will drift off into disinterested self-satisfaction. Perhaps we are simply ineffective communicators. There is a concern whether the absolutions and marriages are valid. I went to one after college many years ago and found it very helpful to my understanding of the liturgy of the Holy Eucharist.

It is more likely that small groups of members would feel the need to leave, precisely because this “spirit of tolerance” is something they can no longer accept. I wish you the best in your And we are called by Him to be radical. To expect a person to be comfortable and approve such an environment is silly and contravenes all the counsels of the saints and even to disregard Lot’s example. Ratzinger. I think the only “vision” implied by this is the priority of purity in the Church — even at the expense of size (e.g., as in those who walked away from Our Lord due to “hard” sayings, etc.). But no one WANTS a smaller Church, and those who do are sick.

It wasn’t till years later that I was able to learn what the Church truly taught. Thomas, In fact many of the older Protestant denominations abandoned biblical principles and  forged a strange alliance with the  “new morality” of an increasingly corrupt world. Of course, they see their “fringeness” as evidence of their numbering among the elect. destined to remain where my Lord and Savior lives….But not a worry for you….you don’t need Him! But that does not mean that He did not and does not want everyone to follow. Why can’t it grow bigger and purer? I guess theoretically these nuns might have been heretics also but I just thought of them as easily led and falling for the Feminist / modernising / equality culture which basically leads to anti Christianity and eventually atheism. Jesus was not concerned with numbers or the size of his following. I sympathize with our priests on this. . It usually is because people are looking for something the local parish is not offering- a traditional Catholic spirituality. made numerous gestures to all who seek the truth to join and become one with us. He further said that their experience is that denominations that claim the mantle of being “smaller but purer,” end up being  just smaller.

If we turn down the light, or put a basket over the light, it might be less harsh to their eyes, but they are then condemned to live in darkness or, at most, twilight. Unlike him God I am happy to silently observe extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion above necessary numbers and often in direct disobedience (well usually upon someone’s part in the diocese) to the Church’s authority parade in formation down the aisle. are many who like to keep things just as they are and not change ( a normal human response to change) and complain that if we were to increase our numbers we would no longer be able to fit comfortably around our also to meet new friends) a member said to me “WE like it that way!
When faced with dissenters in her ranks, the RCC tends to accomodate the dissenters, not send them away. And so I agree with the pope. We need to put our message out there as bluntly and in-your-face as our enemy has done to such powerful effect on our young people.

Yeah, that’s the distinction, isn’t it. Most important though was speaking Truth. The Lord has always worked through the “faithful remnant” (cf. They have already left in spirit, many of whom are actually excommunicated latae sententiae for their heresy. In many smaller … I really think some people WANT to see few souls saved, and WANT to believe it. All I can see is that we need to pray, pray Basically, we’ll be left with the people who are Catholic because they choose to be, which may not be as may as the 1 billion+ number suggests. Our faith offers so very much that is beautiful beyond words – but so much of the richness has never been communicated in ways that touch the heart and soul as it was meant to do. Isaiah 11, Is 24, etc. He clearly answered their trick questions using reason set forth long ago. Let us not worry about how big the Church is, but focus on our personal “yes” to God every day, so that we would be available to HIM, wherever HE wants us, in HIS (not our) master plan for the Church & the world. She said that they should have a zeal to help the poor, the naked and the leper. The Church has two options. The Shakers, who arrived in America in 1774, are a religious community facing extinction. who are in the communion line inwardly …especially just after receiving communion ourselves…then we need to gospel story of the Pharisee and the Publican. I disagree with it due to the irregular status and probable issues of validity of marriage, confession, etc but I can definitely understand it. Our doctrine must be pure but our delivery of the message may need legitimate adjustments. There has long been a tendency (well at least since the 70s) to please everyone and not call a spade a spade. These are usually people on the fringes of the Church, or even those who claim the Church after John XXIII is apostate (I read one the other day that called the Council of TRENT heretical!). but there may be good reasons why at the time they cannot ( for example too crowded My point to Somehow we have to recognize the various “niche markets” that require different kinds of communication – from young to old – within and outside the church – and target the message to the different audiences in creative and loving ways. He did not say count all your converts or boast of your numbers. In Davids book, The Rule of Benedict, there is a reference to the phrase in the context of a discussion of Ratzingers criticism of the German hierarchy during the Second World War for having allowed concern for institutional security to dull its awareness of what was going on under the Nazis. Some will continue to participate in the Church – yet will keep trying to get the Church to to see the “error of their ways” in terms of women priests, birth control, abortion, etc. At times one gets the impression that our society needs to have at least one group to which no tolerance may be shown; which one can easily attack and hate.". First, members abandon the Church in very large numbers, leaving behind only a small remainder. When you get into hysterical fits about “persecution”, you look as silly as the peasant in Monty Python’s Holy Grail who goes on about being repressed.

In the video below he reiterates something very similar: In my view, a Church which seeks above all to be attractive, is already on … Continue reading "Pondering the "Smaller but Purer" Vision of the Church" Yes their ordinations are illicit but still valid- there is a big difference. she will lose many of her social privileges.

As a convert I was first turned away from the Church by the poor example of so many during and after Mass. Peace. Truth has nothing to fear from questions. I think the Church Jesus had in mind to bring about the It is sad but it is sad that anyone’s pride would put themselves above God. What Pope Benedict XVI described had already happened, he even acknowledged that, but he was simply saying that there is more to come, and that the worst is probably yet to come. Blessed Mother Teresa has some wisdom to offer here. In other words it ends up being nothing. Since primarily parents (not the priest) are responsible to God for teaching their children the love of God it is their responsibility to raise them in the most conducive environment for that. Yes, it it would be a screen beside the ambo every second week, but it is only three years (and, in the process, perhaps Fr. Yet to tell the truth, I must add that I have also received a number of touching testimonials of gratitude which clearly showed an openness of heart. Can anyone help? In this hostile environment, many Catholics have been and will be lost to the faith. . . Knowing this, the Holy Father believes smaller but purer is the “yeast” from which it can once again grow when the smoke clears and conditions become favorable. Then they will discover the little flock of believers as something wholly new. I still maintain we are all sinners And now that the Holy Father has released Summorum Pontificorum and the Tridentine Mass is becoming more widespread, the excuses are becoming fewer.

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