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We are just discovering a Latina trans woman was killed in Chicago on May 31. The CCHR is saddened to hear of the murder of Selena Reyes-Hernandez, a 37 year- old trans woman from the Marquette Park community. CHICAGO — A judge denied bail Wednesday for a teenager police say shot and killed a woman after finding out she was transgender. Selena Reyes-Hernandez, 37, was killed May 31 at her apartment on the city’s southwest side. CITY OF CHICAGO . STATEMENT ON THE MURDER OF SELENA REYES-HERNANDEZ . COMMISSION ON HUMAN RELATIONS . 740 NORTH SEDGWICK STREET, SUITE 400, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60654 . #DeadnamingDelaysJustice #SayHerName — Monica Roberts (@TransGriot) June 17, 2020. She took him to her basement apartment in Marquette Park in southwest Chicago… As reported by the Chicago Sun-Times today, she was allegedly … Prosecutors said that Perez and Reyes-Hernandez met around 5:30 a.m. on May 31. Selena Reyes Hernandez was deadnamed by the Chicago medical examiner, Chicago PD, Chicago media and her own family who buried her under her deadname in Mexico.

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