ronald reagan funeral video

[21] Near the Ellipse, and within sight of the White House, the hearse halted and Reagan's body was transferred to a horse-drawn caisson for the procession down Constitution Avenue to Capitol HillThe casket was placed under the rotunda, where it lay in state on Abraham Lincoln's catafalque.An evening memorial service then took place, with dignitaries primarily composed of Congressional members, members of the United States Supreme Court, and the diplomatic corps;the Reverend Daniel Coughlin, Chaplain of the House of Representatives, gave the invocation. Javascript must be enabled in order to access C-SPAN videos. It was removed from the plane, driven by hearse in a procession through the Maryland and Virginia suburbs and the nation's capital, across the Memorial Bridge, and onto Constitution Avenue. President Reagan’s body, in a flag-covered casket, lay in state so that people could pass by it to pay their respects.… June 9, 2004 Formal Funeral Procession to U.S. Capitol President Reagan’s body, in a flag-covered casket, lay in state so that people could pass by it to pay their respects.…, The official funeral cortege down Constitution Avenue to the Capitol for Former President Reagan was shown.

Events in the capital began when Reagan's casket arrived at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. Following official interment ceremonies, officials and invited guests passed by President Reagan’s unadorned casket to pay final respects. The casket was carried…, At a book signing Mrs. Reagan talked to fans about her new book, Ronald Reagan: An American Hero, published by DK…, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) paid his respects to former first lady Nancy Reagan as she lay in repose at the Ronald…,, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, © 2020 National Cable Satellite Corporation. Eulogies were then delivered by Senate President pro tempore Ted Stevens, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, and Vice President Dick Cheney. Events in the capital began when Reagan's casket arrived at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. *This transcript was compiled from uncorrected Closed Captioning.

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